Schlagwort: david hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff ist zurück!

david hasselhoff true survivor kung fury

David Hasselhoff ist der True Survivor in Kung Fury

Was für ein Comeback, the Hoff, der musikalischste Superheld aller Zeiten, das personifizierte 80er Jahre cool des Universums hat gerade seinen neuen Song veröffentlicht, ein Karate Kid artiges Eye of the Tiger Beethoven blass aussehen lassendes episches Produkt, der Titelsong aus dem Crowdfunding finanzierten Film, die Sensation „Kung Fury“. Echt jetzt.




Angeblich geht es in dem schwedischen Film, der sein Geld durch eine Kickstarter Kampagne bekam, darum, dass ein Held aus den 80er-Jahren zurück in die Vergangenheit reist, um mit seinen Kung Fu Kenntnissen den größten Kampfsportverbrecher aller Zeiten unschädlich zu machen, nämlich „Kung Führer“, ja ganz genau, Adolf Hitler. Und zur Seite stehen ihm ein Dinosauriere, ein Wikingermädchen und Thor. Den muss ich sehen.

What do germans think of Canada?

Good Morning, Germany – Vlog 10

What do Germans think about Canadians?

Good morning! It’s viewer question time, so I answer „tributetoseagulls“ question: „What do Germans think about Canada“ in this weekly vlog. A bit tired, got a cold and am a bit confused, but please appreciate the effort anyway. And to the citizens of the United States of America: Please don’t get angry. You will get your health care sometime. What nationality is David Hasselhoff?

Here’s this weeks episode of „Good Morning, Germany!“ – Have fun and leave a comment!

Missed last weeks episode? Here it is: What language do the people in Germany speak?

My Youtube-Channel (please subscribe, even though it is mostly german!)

click here for „Good Morning, Germany!“ – All episodes

Good Morning, Germany! No. 1

Ein Becher Kaffee, frisch gebrüht

Good Morning! As promised, every Wednesday this daily videoblog will be in english. Why? I don’t know, i forgot. Just for fun. It’s a challenge for me. As if getting up in the morning isn’t a big enough challenge already. Especially after last night. That’s why I‘, already late on our first date. But don’t think that this has to be funny, even though I’m a comedian! Have you ever seen a comedian perform in the morning? Well have you ever seen a Comedian perform well in the morning? See, I thought so.

Here’s today’s episode of „Good Morning, Germany!“ – Have fun:

Today’s „Coffee is so cool“: „Coffee is so cool like David Hasselhoff reunifying Germany by singing his song „I’ve been looking for Freedom“, standing at the Berlin Wallon top of his speaking – but not singing – car“ – if you have suggestions, for other comparisons, please post a comment or write an e-mail:

My Youtube-Channel (please subscribe, even though it is mostly german!)

or the „Good Morning, Germany“-Playlist with all episodes so far (well that’s only one)

Good Morning, Germany! – All episodes so far

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