German jokes – not funny!

Ein Becher Kaffee, frisch gebrüht

Germans don’t have a sense of humor. None at all. That’s the stereotype. So here’s a collection of german jokes. See for yourself.

This was an episode of „Good Morning, Germany!“, which is now replaced by „Hello, Germany!“ (please check out the Youtube channel and leave a subscription :-))


click here for „Good Morning, Germany!“ – All episodes


  1. blablub

    I’m sure, i heared some of those in english before…

  2. ui.


  3. Nessi

    hahahahaha! 😉 very good!

  4. ui.


  5. Casey

    Your deadpan delivery is quite refined – almost Nietzche-esque.

    *ring-ring* Hello? No, God is not here. God is dead.

    What? Oh, Todd is here, hold on.

  6. ui.

    haha! Nietzsche-esque! I love it! 🙂

    Thank you so much for your comment, I appreciate it!

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